In this section you can contribute to your sub-accounts (voluntary or complementary contributions for retirement).
To make voluntary savings, follow the next steps:
- Choose the withdrawal account.
- The Afore account linked to your Social Security Number will be displayed.
- Choose and enter the contribution data.
- Verify on the screen that the data is correct.
- The response screen will display the details of the applied contribution.
- SIEFORE: Sociedad de Inversión Especializada en Fondos para el Retiro.
- The operations will be registered in your statement.
- Your client number is linked to your eleven digit social security number (SSN), which is also linked to all other services offered by Banamex Afore.
- If the operation is not within schedule, you can choose a date to apply the operation.
- The operations that are registered on non working days will be considered as an instruction to be applied on the next working day.
- Rejected Operation: In case of error a message will be displayed with the name of the operation, description and possible solution to the problem.
- “Continue”: Displays the next screen.
- “Return”: Returns to the previous screen.
- “Accept”: Continues with the operation.
- “Print” Allows you to get a printed copy of the results displayed on the screen.
- “Help” Gives you specific assistance.
- “Exit”: Ends the session.