You can make your donations to Teleton.
To make a donation:
- Select the retirement account.
- Enter the amount to be donated (enter cents if necessary).
- Select additional options (Tax receipt) and enter the requested details.
- Review the confirmation screen to verify if the information is correct before making your donation.
- Enter the dynamic key generated by your NetKey Banamex.
- The response screen shows the detail of your applied donation.
Please note:
- To enter the information in order to generate the receipt, the system supports accents, coma, stop, special characters and ñ, except for the RFC, which only supports letters and numbers.
- Remember that if you submit a transaction and press the “Stop” button, the transaction may be applied (because the application has already been sent) and you will not receive a response (because you stopped it). Before making another transaction, verify that the transaction has not been made.
- Remember that the instruction is to make a donation to TELETÓN account: 9999.
- Remember that the Authorization Number is the sheet which identifies the transaction. Do not forget to write it down as your receipt or, if you wish, you may print the screen with the key Print Screen (based on your configuration, combine this key with the Shift key).
- If you requested a tax-deductible receipt, it will be sent to the address previously registered when making the donation, as of March 2015.
- Rejected transaction: in case of error a message will be displayed with the transaction name, its description and a possible solution to the problem.
- “Continue”: The following screen is shown.
- “Return”: It returns to the capture screen with the information entered before.
- "OK": It allows you to continue with the transaction.
- “Print”: It allows you to obtain a printed copy of the screen results.
- “Help”: It provides specific assistance.
- “Exit”: It ends the session.