Banca Net empresarial




Statements and Transactions

Follow the next steps to review the operations performed during the current and previous month in your Master Account, Checking Account, Banamex Debit and Credit cards.

Specific search:

  1. Choose the account or enter the account’s last 3 digits or alias.
  2. Click “Search” to obtain the desired information, which you can then “Filter” or “Export”.


  • A notification message will be displayed if the account did not have movements during the day or the date searched is not valid.
  • Rejected operation: in case of error, a message will be displayed with the name of the operation, description and possible solution to the problem.
  • The movements and operations applied during weekends or non working days will be displayed on the next working day.
  • The movements resulting from a search by period of days or by specific period will be updated up to the previous working day.
  • Reviewing movements of the current day and previous day is available only for checking accounts.


  • “Filter”: Performs a search according to the selected criteria.
  • “Undo filter”: Disables an active filter and displays the complete information.
  • “Expand”: Displays detailed information of each section.
  • “Return”: Returns to the previous screen.
  • “Continue”: Displays the next screen.
  • “Search”: Displays the results according to the preselected criteria.
  • “Export”: Allows you to download files and other information.
  • “Upload”: Copies the information to your computer.
  • “Print”: Allows you to get a printed copy of the results displayed in the screen.
  • “Help”: Gives you specific assistance.
  • “Exit”: Ends the session.

This video shows how to make your transactions step by step