Banca Net empresarial


» Help


Investment Receipts

In this page you can list and reprint your Fondos Banamex mutual funds receipts transactions made in the current or last period.

To print your Fondos Banamex mutual funds transaction receipts please follow the next steps:

  1. Click on Fondos Banamex Menu.
  2. Select the desired period to list your transactions.
  3. Click on “Search” Button
  4. A list of the transactions done in the selected period will be show.
  5. Select the transaction you want to print its receipt.
  6. Click on “Print” button


  • Each period has 30 natural days, hence, only a total of 60 natural days can be consulted (30 natural days for current and 30 natural days for last period).


  • “Print”: Allows you to get a hard copy of the results displayed in the screen.
  • “Help”: Gives you specific aid.