Banca Net empresarial


» Help


Unblock Accounts

This page allows you to unblock your accounts.

This option is used when a structure has the Block option activated in the last sweep, which indicates that, after the sweep, the account will not allow any operation until the next day. When the specific account is unblocked, you will be able to make transactions to/from the desired account.

Follow these steps:

  1. Choose the account that you want to unblock, click "Continue".
  2. Verify the information and click “Continue”.
  3. Confirm that you want to unblock the account and click “Accept”, the operation will be applied.


  • As soon as the account is unblocked, you will be able to make withdrawals/deposits the rest of the day.


  • “Print”: Allows you to get a hard copy of the results displayed in the screen.
  • “Help”: Gives you specific aid.