In this section you can manage your beneficiary groups by creating, modifying, deleting or performing transactions.
Payment to beneficiary group:
- Select the beneficiary group you want to pay.
- Click "Continue".
- Then the detail screen of the beneficiary group will be presented.
- Modify your data Payments (Amounts / References / Application Date)
- Optionally, you can add / delete any payment to the beneficiary group.
- Click "Continue".
- Verify the information and click “Accept”.
- Enter the dynamic key and click on the "Continue" button to apply the Payments group.
- Select the retirement account through smart search, (Alias /
Account Number / Branch).
- Select the deposit account mendiante intelligent search engine,
(Alias / Account No. / CLABE / Service).
- Capture the amount of the transaction.
- Select the Payment Date using the calendar.
- Select the additional options you want (References / Capture
Line), and capture the information you requested.
- Click “Continue”.
- Verify the information and click “Accept”.
- Enter the dynamic key and click on the "Continue" button to
apply the Payments group
Create beneficiary group
- Click on the link "Register a group".
- Enter the Group Name
- Payments fill template (Go to Multiplepayments)
Modify beneficiary group
- Click the "Edit" (pencil) icon group to be modified.
- Optionally, you can add / delete any payment to the beneficiary group.
- Click "Save".
Delete beneficiary group
- Click "Delete" (trash) icon group to be modified.
- Confirm you want to "delete" the beneficiaries group selected and Click "Accept".
- The limit beneficiary group that can be registred is 100 per Customer Number.
- Payments limit and / or Transferecnias which may contain a beneficiary group is 500.
- You can send up to 500 payments
- The destination accounts must be registered in BancaNet
- Transfers and / or payments are only pesos pesos.
- In national payment orders, a directory of branches by state
will be displayed; choose a state to verify the available branches.
- “Print”: Allows you to get
a hard copy of the results displayed in the screen.
- “Help”: Gives you specific aid.
- Add a beneficiary: : Allows to register a new
beneficiary or account BancaNet Empresarial.
- Add more payments: Allows you to add items of
- Delete: Allows delete selected Payment.