Banca Net empresarial


» Help


Statements and Operations

This page allows you to query the financial statements of different accounts: checking account, master account, cards, term investments, investments at sight, revolving credit PYME and investment funds.

Follow these steps:

  1. Choose the search criteria and click “Search”.
  2. Choose one of the following query options:
    • In case you choose the choice Download format file Statement by Request, the file will be available within ten minutes.
    • You can continue operating BancaNet Bussiness and return to this page to download it from the section Files available for download.
  3. Click “accept”.

Specific search See all the accounts:

  1. Choose the account or contract.
  2. Choose the criteria.
  3. Specify the date.
  4. Choose the type of operation.
  5. In the section Account Number choose See all the accounts.
  6. Click “search”.
  7. The accounts will be displayed according to the search criteria.
  8. Choose the accounts and click “Search Selection”.
  9. The operations summary of the selected accounts is displayed.
  10. Click the link Account number to see the details of accounts operations.
  11. Choose one of the following query options.

Files available for download:

  • To download this file click Download.
  • In case the file has an Outstanding status, click Update, this action will change the status to Complete; the Download link will be displayed.


  • In case you choose "Trust" from the type of account or contract, you can download the available information in PDF (Portable Document File).


  • “Download”: Saves the information in your computer.
  • “Print”: Allows you to get a hard copy of the results displayed in the screen.
  • “Help”: Gives you specific aid.

This video shows how to make your transactions step by step.