This page allows you to query the financial statements of different accounts: checking account, master account, cards, term investments, investments at sight, revolving credit PYME and investment funds.
Follow these steps:
- Choose the search criteria and click “Search”.
Choose one of the following query options:
- In case you choose the choice Download format file Statement by Request, the file will be available within ten minutes.
- You can continue operating BancaNet Bussiness and return to this page to download it from the section Files available for download.
- Click “accept”.
Specific search See all the accounts:
- Choose the account or contract.
- Choose the criteria.
- Specify the date.
- Choose the type of operation.
- In the section Account Number choose See all the accounts.
- Click “search”.
- The accounts will be displayed according to the search criteria.
- Choose the accounts and click “Search Selection”.
- The operations summary of the selected accounts is displayed.
- Click the link Account number to see the details of accounts operations.
- Choose one of the following query options.
Files available for download:
- To download this file click Download.
- In case the file has an Outstanding status, click Update, this action will change the status to Complete; the Download link will be displayed.
- In case you choose "Trust" from the type of account or contract, you can download the available information in PDF (Portable Document File).
- “Download”: Saves the information in your computer.
- “Print”: Allows you to get a hard copy of the results displayed in the screen.
- “Help”: Gives you specific aid.